According to a statistic released by the Taiwanese Health Authority, diabetes is listed as one of the top ten national major causes of death since 1979. Its mortality rate increased from 6.5 person per 100 thousands population in year 1978 to 42.6 person per 100 thousands population in year 2000 and still showing a tendency of annual increase. According to forecast of a medical survey, from year 1994 to 2010, the number of diabetic patients will double. The main resources are change in lifestyles, including increased mental stress, decreased exercises, and changes in eating habits. All these result in the sharp rise of diabetic population. This also explains why the probability of getting diabetes increase since the change of human life from agricultural to metropolitan.
Researches show that GTF plays an important role in glucose and lipid metabolism in human body, while intake of trivalent chromium is closely correlated to the risks of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. A research of past 5 years shows that trivalent chromium can enhance utilization of glucose and has positive effects on various types of glucose intolerance, i.e. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes and steroidal diabetes. The conditions of patients with diabetic neuro-pathological changes and poor glucose tolerance significantly improved when given recommended amount of chromium supplement. Trivalent chromium in the body stimulates the binding of insulin and insulin receptor, activates insulin receptor and improves insulin sensitivity. Trivalent chromium is an essential nutrient in the synthesis of GTF, and has positive effects on glucose, protein and lipid metabolisms in human and animals. Low chromium intake, coupled with poor eating habits of excessive sugar and lipid consumption result in severe chromium deficiency among current population. Therefore, adding chromium supplement in the daily diet helps patients with mild glucose intolerance and even patients with obvious diabetic symptoms to stimulate glucose metabolism, improve disease conditions and reduce complications..
As diabetic patients are under prolonged high-glucose state, their blood vessels experience severe damage, making the vessels fragile and hard to recover, resulting in complications of circulatory and nervous systems. Research showed that, in the presence of insulin, GTF could improve efficiency of insulin in glucose metabolism, reduce blood glucose concentration by 29% and triglycerides concentration by 56%. On the contrary, if the trivalent chromium in GTF is removed, it lost its ability in reducing blood glucose. Therefore, trivalent chromium is indispensable for glucose metabolism in our body.
The concentration of trivalent chromium in our body reduces with the increase of our age. In a clinical trial conducted by Dr. Stephen Davies in England, it was demonstrated that chromium in our serum reduces continuously from 0.5 mcg/mL when a person's age reaches 70. Chromium level in the serum of Type 2 diabetic patients is approximately 0.2 mcg/mL, significantly lower than the level of 0.5 mcg/mL in healthy people. These patients also experience higher chromium losses in urine. Several other conditions, such as over-work, pregnancy, obesity, old age, alcoholism, surgery or diseases, will cause depletion of trivalent chromium in the body, leading to trivalent chromium deficiency and reduced synthesis of GTF. Consequently, blood glucose cannot enter the cells easily and this will result in the clinical symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Clinical researches have confirmed that the synergies between GTF and insulin could change various symptoms of diabetes. This is an essential factor to maintain normal glucose metabolism in the body. There is a direct correlation between onset of diabetes and trivalent chromium deficiency. Research in this area had been carried out by scientists for more than ten years and had shown that GTF deficiency could lead to diabetes. Supplementary of GTF and various nutrients beneficial to diabetes can improve insulin functionality, promote glucose metabolism in patients, and thus are considered as the latest complimentary treatment of diabetes.
All along diabetes is controlled using glucose-reducing drugs, such as sulfonylurea and biguanide derivatives. Although these two drugs have different mechanisms, both can only reduce blood glucose but cannot cure diabetes thoroughly. Thus the conditions of patients worsen each year. In the recent ten years, short-term insulin secretion enhancer, starch decomposition and absorption inhibitor and insulin sensitivity enhancer are added to enhance the control of diabetes. Their effects on controlling diabetes, however, are still limited. Current medical science researches on diabetes have turned towards the direction of strengthening the bioactivity of insulin and sensitivity of its receptor. Therefore, GTF offers a new direction for diabetes treatment.
Research in recent years found that the main cause of Type 2 diabetes is the reduction of insulin sensitivity. When our cells cannot utilize blood glucose efficiently, blood glucose stays higher and this stimulates increased secretion of insulin, causing high blood insulin symptoms. Low insulin sensitivity are mostly related to environment, diet, obesity, smoking and defective cell mechanisms. GTF can improve various symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, increase the sensitivity of insulin and insulin receptors, enhances the utilization of glucose by the cells, thus improve blood glucose metabolism. Supplementing GTF daily can increase the GTF level in the body and help normalizing glucose metabolism in diabetic patients. For healthy people, supplementing GTF has the effects of illness prevention and general health care.
The medical treatment and control of diabetes:
Though the development of medicine is at a rapid pace, to treat diabetes and to improve patients' conditions, the following methods should be followed:
1) Diet Control
Regardless of the type of diabetes, seriousness of patient's conditions or presence of secondary diseases, the patient's diet should be controlled. This is the most basic concept of treatment. Diabetic patients must adjust their diet, control sugar intake, stop habit of over-eating and consult dietician to choose suitable food.
2) Exercise
Exercise is an effective way to improve diabetes. Diabetic patients can exercise the same way as healthy people do. Suitable amount of exercise can help to control a patient's condition. Usually, it is recommended that patients exercise 3 to 4 times weekly, each time for 15 to 30 minutes. This is good for diabetic in the following ways:
a) Burning off excess calories to maintain normal body weight, and enhancing the sensitivity of body cells to insulin.
b) Promoting blood circulation and widening of tissue venules, thus increase the rate of glucose utilization.
c) Improving abnormalities in lipid metabolism.
d) Reducing degree of hardening of blood vessels
3) Medical treatment
Two main types of medical treatment are insulin and oral medications. Types 1 diabetes depends on insulin injection; while Type 2 diabetic patients need insulin injection or insulin injection together with blood glucose reduction medication to control blood glucose. Dosage of medication is different for each individual. Using blood sugar-reducing medicine might induce problems such as low blood sugar and low insulin sensitivity. Therefore, patients must follow doctors instructions on dosage and must not stop any medication by themselves.
4) GTF supplement
Clinical research confirmed that GTF can combine with insulin to improve the various symptoms of diabetes. It is an essential factor to maintain the normal glucose metabolism in the body. The onset of diabetes is directly related to the deficiency of trivalent chromium. Scientist carrying out research in this area for more than ten years has discovered that GTF deficiency in the body might lead to diabetes. Supplementing GTF and various nutrients beneficial to diabetes can improve insulin functionality, promote blood sugar metabolism in the patients and thus considered as complementary treatment of diabetes.