Metabolic syndrome also known as Syndrome X is the name given when people have several medical disorders at the same time.
When metabolic rate happened to be abnormal it will influence greatly on the body health.
The metabolic syndrome that we used to know, is not a type of disease but it's a signal that alarms deterioration of our health conditions for instance abnormal triglycerides level, hypertension, excessive abnormal fats accumulation and glucose intolerance.
Metabolic syndrome becomes the latest hot issue in the field od medical research. Well understanding of metabolic syndrome will aid in better understanding of modern disease. By having preventive steps toward metabolic syndrome we can eventually prevent a lot of compilation.
For those with abnormal obesity and have at least two risk factors listed below are categorized as having metabolic syndrome:
1. Abnormal obesity : Waist circumference Male > 90cm, Female>80cm
2. High Blood Presure : Systolic>130mmHg, Diastolic>85mmHg
3. High Triglycerides level : >150mg/dl
4. High Fasting Blood Glucose : >100mcg/dl
5. Low HDL Cholesterol : Male<40mg/dl, Female<50mg/dl
Do you know that the metabolic rate starts to decrease by age of 25?
Let thing together.
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