Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to Consume GT&F Efficiently

For your information, our GT&F are classified as food by Ministry of Health (malaysia) and even health department from other countries. So, this GT&F can be consumed anytime.

However, for the first 2 weeks, we recommend you to take 2 capsules, empty stomach in the morning before breakfast or even before taken medications. Your body have to adapt with GT&F. Avoid to take medication immediately after taken GT&F. Gap 1 to 2 hours so that the effectiveness and formation og GTF in the body will not be interrupted.

Within the first two weeks after taken GT&F, you may or may not have the healing symptoms. Don't be alarmed as GT&F does not contain toxic or drugs. These personal feelings and symptoms are short term in nature. Your body need to cleanse or detoxify. Please read the attachement carefully so that you can understand well.

After two weeks later, you can start to consume 4 capsules daily, empty stomach in the morning before breakfast. You can continue medication. However, when doctor see the result/ health condition is better, normally he/ she will reduce the dosage of the drugs should you taken everyday. please consult with doctor before stopped the medication.

Sumber : GT&F HQ

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