Highest levels of triglycerides were significantly more likely to experience worsening neuropathy over the course of one year, regardless of how long patients had the disease or how controlled it was.
Diabetic neuropathy affects around 60 percent of the 23 million people in the United States who have diabetes. It is a complication in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Diabetic neuropathies are neuropathic disorders that are associated with diabetes mellitus. These conditions are thought to result from diabetic microvascular injury involving small blood vessels that supply nerves that allow you to feel sensations such as pain.
University of Michigan and Wayne State University researchers analyzed data from 427 diabetes patients with neuropathy, a condition in which nerves are damaged or lost with resulting numbness, tingling and pain, often in the hands, arms, legs and feet. The data revealed that if a patient had elevated triglycerides, he or she was significantly more likely to experience worsening neuropathy over a period of one year. Other factors, such as higher levels of other fats in the blood or of blood glucose, did not turn out to be significant.
Triglycerides are measured as part of a blood test that measures your cholesterol. Normal triglyceride levels are below 150. High levels are 200 or above.
When triglyceride levels are high, it is not clear whether these high levels directly increase your risk for heart disease. But high triglycerides are often part of a group of conditions called metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is the combination of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, too much fat around the waist, low HDL ("good") cholesterol, and high triglycerides. This syndrome does increase your risk for heart disease as well as for diabetes and stroke.
People can reduce blood triglyceride levels with the same measures that reduce cholesterol levels: by avoiding harmful fats in the diet and exercising regularly.
Source : Several blog and newsfeed
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Which components of GT&F Milk Powder may help Metabolic Syndrome?
Research found that there are multiple factors that lead to metabolic syndrome such as marked reduction in physical activity, poor eating habit (particularly food that is rich in saturated fat and salt) and the very important factor that does not gain much attention until lately – the lack of certain crucial nutrients. One of them is trivalent chromium. As a consequence of the ignorance of such crucial nutrients, more and more people fall prey to the deadly metabolic syndrome.
Trivalent chromium has been in the limelight of scientific research. Trivalent Chromium is a kind of essential trace mineral that cannot be made by the body; it can only be obtained from diet. Chromium is found in whole grains, beans, brewer’s yeast, liver, black pepper and molasses. Unfortunately, our intake of chromium is generally much less than 50 mcg as recommended. There are several factors contributing to the deficiency of this trace mineral in our body.
It was discovered by Dr Walter Mertz as an essential part of glucose tolerance factor (GTF). GTF is a compound made up of biologically active trivalent chromium, vitamins and amino acids. GTF is a cofactor for insulin and it potentates the action of insulin.
For normal functioning of insulin, glucose tolerance factor (GTF) is necessary for insulin the utilization of glucose and fat in the body. As the central part of GTF, chromium enhances the effect of insulin in the body. Specifically, it improves the uptake of glucose into the cells so it can be metabolized to produce energy (ATP). GTF works by activating insulin pathway and thus helping to lower the blood sugar, triglyceride and cholesterol.
Therefore, supplementation of trivalent chromium is the must for those with metabolic syndrome specifically and everyone who care for health generally. After the discovery of health benefits of GTF chromium, thousands of scientific researches have been carried out to produce GTF products.
GT&F Products were classified as food by Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia. There are superior health food supplements that bring noticeable positive results.
SOurce : GTF Worldwide, Malaysia
Trivalent chromium has been in the limelight of scientific research. Trivalent Chromium is a kind of essential trace mineral that cannot be made by the body; it can only be obtained from diet. Chromium is found in whole grains, beans, brewer’s yeast, liver, black pepper and molasses. Unfortunately, our intake of chromium is generally much less than 50 mcg as recommended. There are several factors contributing to the deficiency of this trace mineral in our body.
It was discovered by Dr Walter Mertz as an essential part of glucose tolerance factor (GTF). GTF is a compound made up of biologically active trivalent chromium, vitamins and amino acids. GTF is a cofactor for insulin and it potentates the action of insulin.
For normal functioning of insulin, glucose tolerance factor (GTF) is necessary for insulin the utilization of glucose and fat in the body. As the central part of GTF, chromium enhances the effect of insulin in the body. Specifically, it improves the uptake of glucose into the cells so it can be metabolized to produce energy (ATP). GTF works by activating insulin pathway and thus helping to lower the blood sugar, triglyceride and cholesterol.
Therefore, supplementation of trivalent chromium is the must for those with metabolic syndrome specifically and everyone who care for health generally. After the discovery of health benefits of GTF chromium, thousands of scientific researches have been carried out to produce GTF products.
GT&F Products were classified as food by Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia. There are superior health food supplements that bring noticeable positive results.
SOurce : GTF Worldwide, Malaysia
Friday, May 15, 2009
Consuming GT&F will improve your health.
How to ensure your health will get improvement after consuming GT&F?. This frequent question was always asking by most of the patient.
To measure improvement, my advise is apply the following step before consuming dan during consuming GT&F product.
Improve eating habits and control diet intake:
a. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
b. Choose lean cuts of white meat or fish over red meat. Avoid processed or deep-fried foods.
c. Eliminate table salt and replaced with other herbs and spices.
d. Eat foods defined as complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread (instead of white), brown rice (instead of white), and sugars that are unrefined (instead of refined; for example cookies, crackers)
e. Increase your fiber consumption by eating legumes (for example, beans), whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
f. Consume healthy fats such as those in canola oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil and nuts.
Healthy lifestyles:
Make your physical activity as your lifestyle. Here are some tips:
a. Wake up 10 minutes earlier than your usual time, and do some light stretching exercises.
b. Walk up the stairs instead of the lift.
c. While in the office, take 5 to 10 minutes break to brisk walk in the office.
d. While at home help your spouse to do some of the household chores.
e. During weekends, wash your own car.
f. Park your car further away from office so that you can walk more.
g. If you have young children, play actively with your children.
h. Try to find time to take up games on a regular basis.
Do Health Assessment by Medical Practitioners before and after 3 month consuming GT&F to see positive improvement accordingt health baseline indicator (e.g doctors, physicians, nutritionists, etc.) at clinic, hospital or any health check centers. The priority health status profiles as below:
a) Blood glucose level.
b) Blood lipid profile
c) Kidney profile
d) Liver profile
Source : GTF Worldwide Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
To measure improvement, my advise is apply the following step before consuming dan during consuming GT&F product.
Improve eating habits and control diet intake:
a. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
b. Choose lean cuts of white meat or fish over red meat. Avoid processed or deep-fried foods.
c. Eliminate table salt and replaced with other herbs and spices.
d. Eat foods defined as complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread (instead of white), brown rice (instead of white), and sugars that are unrefined (instead of refined; for example cookies, crackers)
e. Increase your fiber consumption by eating legumes (for example, beans), whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
f. Consume healthy fats such as those in canola oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil and nuts.
Healthy lifestyles:
Make your physical activity as your lifestyle. Here are some tips:
a. Wake up 10 minutes earlier than your usual time, and do some light stretching exercises.
b. Walk up the stairs instead of the lift.
c. While in the office, take 5 to 10 minutes break to brisk walk in the office.
d. While at home help your spouse to do some of the household chores.
e. During weekends, wash your own car.
f. Park your car further away from office so that you can walk more.
g. If you have young children, play actively with your children.
h. Try to find time to take up games on a regular basis.
Do Health Assessment by Medical Practitioners before and after 3 month consuming GT&F to see positive improvement accordingt health baseline indicator (e.g doctors, physicians, nutritionists, etc.) at clinic, hospital or any health check centers. The priority health status profiles as below:
a) Blood glucose level.
b) Blood lipid profile
c) Kidney profile
d) Liver profile
Source : GTF Worldwide Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How Diabetic Patients Can Control Blood Lipid Profile Through Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) Reaction?
Blood lipids (or blood fats) are lipids in the blood, either free or bound to other molecules. They are mostly transported in a protein capsule, and the density of the lipids and type of protein determines the fate of the particle and its influence on metabolism.
Lipids float in the blood and can attach themselves to the walls of arteries causing atherosclerosis
Nutritionist was found that a diet containing Chromium source would eliminate this impairment and blood glucose levels would return to normal.
Glucose tolerance factor is believed to be a complex of trivalent chromium with two moles of nicotinic acid (niacin) and at least one mole of an amino acid. For example, as suggested by Mertz.
A total blood lipid profile gives you the best possible statistical indication of your all round cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. According to research, to come as close as possible to eliminating any threat of heart disease and stroke, your blood lipid profile would look like this (normal blood lipid profile):
* total cholesterol below 150 mg/dl
* total low-density lipoproteins (LDL) below 130 mg/dl
* total high-density lipoproteins HDL) above 40 mg/dl
* a ratio of LDL divided by HDL 3 to 1 or lower
* total triglycerides below 150 mg/dl
So, what you want to shoot for is low total cholesterol, low triglycerides, low LDL, high HDL and good LDL to HDL ratio. Achieving these good biomarkers on your blood lipid profile should pay off in hearty dividends.
GTF chromium is named for the way it interacts with insulin. Once absorbed, Chromium becomes incorporated into a compound called GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor); which improves the body's sensitivity to insulin, and thus makes metabolism more efficient.
This is due to the central role insulin plays in regulating energy and metabolism. Insulin signals cells to absorb nutrients like sugar and amino acids when they're present in the bloodstream. Uptake of these nutrients allows them be used for growth, repair and energy.
When insulin function is poor from a lack of chromium or any other reason, uptake is impaired. When nutrients do not get taken up by cells completely, they must then be stored as additional body fat.
GTF chromium may also improve blood lipid profiles such as those for triglycerides4 and LDL cholesterol.
This review summarizes the results of 15 controlled studies supplementing defined Cr(III) compounds to subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. Three of these (3-4 mumol Cr/d for > 2 mo) produced no beneficial effects: serum glucose, insulin and lipid concentrations remained unchanged.
The remaining 12 interventions improved the efficiency of insulin or the blood lipid profile of subjects (ranging from malnourished children and healthy middle-aged individuals to insulin-requiring diabetics). In addition, three cases of impaired glucose tolerance after long-term total parenteral alimentation responding to Cr supplementation have been reported.
Chromium potentiates the action of insulin in vitro and in vivo; maximal in vitro activity requires a special chemical form, termed Glucose Tolerance Factor and tentatively identified as a Cr-nicotinic acid complex. Its complete structural identification is a major challenge to chromium research.
The development and validation of a procedure to diagnose chromium status is the second challenge. Such a test would allow the assessment of incidence and severity of deficiency in the population and the selection of deficiency in the population and the selection of chromium-responsive individuals.
The third challenge is the definition of chromium's mode of action on parameters of lipid metabolism that have been reported from some studies but not others. Future research along these lines might establish whether chromium deficiency is a factor in the much discussed "Syndrome X" of insulin resistance.
Source : U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, MD 20705.
Impaired glucose tolerance is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but not impaired fasting glucose. This source was taken from The Funagata Diabetes Study. M Tominaga, H Eguchi, H Manaka, K Igarashi, T Kato and A Sekikawa, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yamagata University School of Medicine, Japan.
Lipids float in the blood and can attach themselves to the walls of arteries causing atherosclerosis
Nutritionist was found that a diet containing Chromium source would eliminate this impairment and blood glucose levels would return to normal.
Glucose tolerance factor is believed to be a complex of trivalent chromium with two moles of nicotinic acid (niacin) and at least one mole of an amino acid. For example, as suggested by Mertz.
A total blood lipid profile gives you the best possible statistical indication of your all round cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. According to research, to come as close as possible to eliminating any threat of heart disease and stroke, your blood lipid profile would look like this (normal blood lipid profile):
* total cholesterol below 150 mg/dl
* total low-density lipoproteins (LDL) below 130 mg/dl
* total high-density lipoproteins HDL) above 40 mg/dl
* a ratio of LDL divided by HDL 3 to 1 or lower
* total triglycerides below 150 mg/dl
So, what you want to shoot for is low total cholesterol, low triglycerides, low LDL, high HDL and good LDL to HDL ratio. Achieving these good biomarkers on your blood lipid profile should pay off in hearty dividends.
GTF chromium is named for the way it interacts with insulin. Once absorbed, Chromium becomes incorporated into a compound called GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor); which improves the body's sensitivity to insulin, and thus makes metabolism more efficient.
This is due to the central role insulin plays in regulating energy and metabolism. Insulin signals cells to absorb nutrients like sugar and amino acids when they're present in the bloodstream. Uptake of these nutrients allows them be used for growth, repair and energy.
When insulin function is poor from a lack of chromium or any other reason, uptake is impaired. When nutrients do not get taken up by cells completely, they must then be stored as additional body fat.
GTF chromium may also improve blood lipid profiles such as those for triglycerides4 and LDL cholesterol.
This review summarizes the results of 15 controlled studies supplementing defined Cr(III) compounds to subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. Three of these (3-4 mumol Cr/d for > 2 mo) produced no beneficial effects: serum glucose, insulin and lipid concentrations remained unchanged.
The remaining 12 interventions improved the efficiency of insulin or the blood lipid profile of subjects (ranging from malnourished children and healthy middle-aged individuals to insulin-requiring diabetics). In addition, three cases of impaired glucose tolerance after long-term total parenteral alimentation responding to Cr supplementation have been reported.
Chromium potentiates the action of insulin in vitro and in vivo; maximal in vitro activity requires a special chemical form, termed Glucose Tolerance Factor and tentatively identified as a Cr-nicotinic acid complex. Its complete structural identification is a major challenge to chromium research.
The development and validation of a procedure to diagnose chromium status is the second challenge. Such a test would allow the assessment of incidence and severity of deficiency in the population and the selection of deficiency in the population and the selection of chromium-responsive individuals.
The third challenge is the definition of chromium's mode of action on parameters of lipid metabolism that have been reported from some studies but not others. Future research along these lines might establish whether chromium deficiency is a factor in the much discussed "Syndrome X" of insulin resistance.
Source : U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, MD 20705.
Impaired glucose tolerance is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but not impaired fasting glucose. This source was taken from The Funagata Diabetes Study. M Tominaga, H Eguchi, H Manaka, K Igarashi, T Kato and A Sekikawa, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yamagata University School of Medicine, Japan.
What is GT&F Contains - Ingredients of GT&F Milk Powder in details
GT&F® Milk Powder is made by blending GT&F® with New Zealand best grade milk powder to mimic the bioactivity of colostrums GTF plus chromium. Since GT&F® is non-toxic, does not produce side effects, contains no drugs, hormones, or toxins, it is safe to take. GT&F® is able to effectively promote functioning of insulin, and long-term use provides body with sufficient GTF to maintain homeostasis of blood sugar and also will prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and its complications.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Sachet: 20g
Servings Per Box: 30 Sachets
Amount per Serving 1 Sachet % Daily Value
Total calorie 85 cal 4.3%
Protein 7 g 11.7%
Total Fat 2 g 3.6%
Total Carbohydrate 10 g 3.1%
Sodium 110 mg 4.6%
Vitamin A 28 mcg 4.7%
Vitamin B1 0.07 mg 5.0%
Vitamin B2 0.36 mg 22.5%
Vitamin C 2 mg 3.3%
Calcium 240 mg 30.0%
Iron 0.1 mg 0.7%
Vitamin B12 0.16 mcg *
Phosphorus 190 mg *
Potassium 300 mg *
Magnesium 26 mg *
Trivalent Chromium 200 mcg *
The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2, 000 calorie diet.
* Daily Value not established.
This Nutrition Facts are based on Maxluck Biotechnology Corp.10Fl, No. 75-1, Sung Jiang Rd, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C..
In Malaysia, the Nutrition Facts which are stated at the box of GT&F Milk Powder was approved by Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health (for further info, you can log on to fsq.moh.gov.my.
As Malaysia is keen to promote international trade of our food products, the Ministry has ensured that the amendments follow the Codex Alimentarius standards closely. However, some clauses have been adapted so that they are appropriate for local needs. Subsequently, the Committee reviewed the comments before adopting the draft. The proposed amendments were gazetted in 2003 and now part of the Food Regulations (Regulation No: 18A-18E; Gazette No: P.U.(A) 88, Jil 47 No 7 dated 31 March 2003). NUTRITION LABELLING REGULATIONS TO BE ENFORCED BY 01/03/2004.
According to the Nutrition Labelling Regulation, the trace elements (in microgram unit) should not be listed in the Nutrition Facts because of the amount is too little even though it brings up the effectiveness of these products.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Sachet: 20g
Servings Per Box: 30 Sachets
Amount per Serving 1 Sachet % Daily Value
Total calorie 85 cal 4.3%
Protein 7 g 11.7%
Total Fat 2 g 3.6%
Total Carbohydrate 10 g 3.1%
Sodium 110 mg 4.6%
Vitamin A 28 mcg 4.7%
Vitamin B1 0.07 mg 5.0%
Vitamin B2 0.36 mg 22.5%
Vitamin C 2 mg 3.3%
Calcium 240 mg 30.0%
Iron 0.1 mg 0.7%
Vitamin B12 0.16 mcg *
Phosphorus 190 mg *
Potassium 300 mg *
Magnesium 26 mg *
Trivalent Chromium 200 mcg *
The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2, 000 calorie diet.
* Daily Value not established.
This Nutrition Facts are based on Maxluck Biotechnology Corp.10Fl, No. 75-1, Sung Jiang Rd, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C..
In Malaysia, the Nutrition Facts which are stated at the box of GT&F Milk Powder was approved by Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health (for further info, you can log on to fsq.moh.gov.my.
As Malaysia is keen to promote international trade of our food products, the Ministry has ensured that the amendments follow the Codex Alimentarius standards closely. However, some clauses have been adapted so that they are appropriate for local needs. Subsequently, the Committee reviewed the comments before adopting the draft. The proposed amendments were gazetted in 2003 and now part of the Food Regulations (Regulation No: 18A-18E; Gazette No: P.U.(A) 88, Jil 47 No 7 dated 31 March 2003). NUTRITION LABELLING REGULATIONS TO BE ENFORCED BY 01/03/2004.
According to the Nutrition Labelling Regulation, the trace elements (in microgram unit) should not be listed in the Nutrition Facts because of the amount is too little even though it brings up the effectiveness of these products.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Does exercise help prediabetes or control blood sugar?

Prediabetic, meaning I have higher-than-normal blood sugar levels that put me at risk of developing diabetes, the seventh-leading cause of death in the United States
As you know, by fact about 57 million Americans have prediabetes and 24 million others have diabetes. A prediabetic's risks for complications are nearly as great as a diabetic's risk. In many cases, progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes can be prevented through lifestyle changes likes weight loss, eating better, exercise and good sleep are key for elimination of prediabetic.
With diabetes, prediabetes, and metabolic syndrome (a prediabetic condition associated with an increased risk of heart disease) increasing at an alarming rate, this is a very important question. Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise improves blood sugar control and decreases insulin resistance, a condition that can lead to diabetes over time. While the results are even better when accompanied by fat loss, you can still benefit significantly from engaging in regular exercise.
I would strongly recommend adhering to the new Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans which recommends getting at least 2.5 hours of moderate physical activity or 1.25 hours of vigorous physical activity per week along with 2 or more days of resistance (muscle strengthening) training. Aerobic activity is essential for getting rid of the fat that is stored in muscle, which can lead to insulin resistance. Resistance training may also be particularly effective in preventing insulin resistance and helping control blood sugar by causing both increased absorption of blood sugar and improved metabolism of blood sugar and fat.
Some research suggests that more intense activity may be more beneficial in reducing the risk of prediabetes or metabolic syndrome so if you are able to exercise a bit more intensely for 20-30 minutes per day you may benefit even further. But don't worry, if you are unable to exercise more intensely for medical or orthopedic reasons, you will still benefit considerably from regular, moderate exercise plus strength training.
Source : Dr. Melina Jampolis Physician Nutrition Specialist
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Meal Plan Diet for Hypoglycemia
Diet low carbohydrate for people with hypoglycemia are encourage to apply with dietitian advices. The goal of treatment for hypoglycemia is to delay the absorption of food. This can be accomplished through changes in eating habits. Diabetes treatment plans are designed to match the dose and timing of medication to a person’s usual schedule of meals and activities.
Hypoglycaemia or hypoglycemia is the medical term for a pathologic state produced by a lower than normal level of blood glucose in our body. Hypoglycemia due to hormone deficiencies such as hypopituitarism or adrenal insufficiency usually ceases when the appropriate hormone is replaced.
Design a meal plan that fits one’s personal preferences and lifestyle. Following one’s meal plan is important for managing diabetes. People with diabetes should eat regular meals, have enough food at each meal, and try not to skip meals or snacks. Snacks are particularly important for some people before going to sleep or exercising.
Here is a suggested Meal Plan for Hypoglycemia diet which is recommended by registered dietitian.
Morning Meal
Fruit, Egg or Meat, Bread, Fat, Milk, 2%, Beverage
Noon Meal
Meat, Fish, Cheese, Poultry (Exchange)
Vegetable, Raw 1 or 2
Evening Meal
Meat, Fish, Cheese, Poultry (Exchange)
Vegetable, Raw
Dessert, Sugar-free
Extra Tips For Hypoglycemia Diet:
1.Do not eliminate carbohydrate from the diet.
2. Increase your intake of complex carbohydrates (starches). These foods are absorbed more slowly than simple carbohydrates and therefore do not cause rapid changes in blood sugar levels. Examples of complex carbohydrates are breads, cereals, pasta, rice, vegetables, and legumes.
3. Avoid foods high in simple carbohydrates such as jams, jellies, table sugar, honey syrup, molasses, pies, candy, cakes, cookies, pastries and soda pop.
4. Increase your intake of fiber. Fiber is the indigestible portion of Fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly when they are part of a high fiber meal.
5. Eat Fruit-fresh of canned without sugar - rather than drinking juice. The added fiber will slow down sugar absorption.
6. Eat smaller meals with snacks between meals and at bedtime.
7. Avoid foods and beverages containing caffeine often produces the same symptoms as hypoglycemia and may make you feel worse.
8. Avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol lowers blood sugar levels, especially on an empty stomach.
9. Maintain of achieve desirable body weight. Excess weight interferes with the body's ability to use insulin.
9. Decrease you fat intake. A high-fat diet has been shown to interfere with insulin use. Because fat is high in calories, decreasing fat intake will also help you lose weight. If you are at your desirable body weight, replace calories from fat with calories from complex carbohydrates.
Hypoglycaemia or hypoglycemia is the medical term for a pathologic state produced by a lower than normal level of blood glucose in our body. Hypoglycemia due to hormone deficiencies such as hypopituitarism or adrenal insufficiency usually ceases when the appropriate hormone is replaced.
Design a meal plan that fits one’s personal preferences and lifestyle. Following one’s meal plan is important for managing diabetes. People with diabetes should eat regular meals, have enough food at each meal, and try not to skip meals or snacks. Snacks are particularly important for some people before going to sleep or exercising.
Here is a suggested Meal Plan for Hypoglycemia diet which is recommended by registered dietitian.
Morning Meal
Fruit, Egg or Meat, Bread, Fat, Milk, 2%, Beverage
Noon Meal
Meat, Fish, Cheese, Poultry (Exchange)
Vegetable, Raw 1 or 2
Evening Meal
Meat, Fish, Cheese, Poultry (Exchange)
Vegetable, Raw
Dessert, Sugar-free
Extra Tips For Hypoglycemia Diet:
1.Do not eliminate carbohydrate from the diet.
2. Increase your intake of complex carbohydrates (starches). These foods are absorbed more slowly than simple carbohydrates and therefore do not cause rapid changes in blood sugar levels. Examples of complex carbohydrates are breads, cereals, pasta, rice, vegetables, and legumes.
3. Avoid foods high in simple carbohydrates such as jams, jellies, table sugar, honey syrup, molasses, pies, candy, cakes, cookies, pastries and soda pop.
4. Increase your intake of fiber. Fiber is the indigestible portion of Fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly when they are part of a high fiber meal.
5. Eat Fruit-fresh of canned without sugar - rather than drinking juice. The added fiber will slow down sugar absorption.
6. Eat smaller meals with snacks between meals and at bedtime.
7. Avoid foods and beverages containing caffeine often produces the same symptoms as hypoglycemia and may make you feel worse.
8. Avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol lowers blood sugar levels, especially on an empty stomach.
9. Maintain of achieve desirable body weight. Excess weight interferes with the body's ability to use insulin.
9. Decrease you fat intake. A high-fat diet has been shown to interfere with insulin use. Because fat is high in calories, decreasing fat intake will also help you lose weight. If you are at your desirable body weight, replace calories from fat with calories from complex carbohydrates.
Chromium Enhances the Action of Insulin
Chromium Enhances the Action of Insulin. History of chromium, that since the 1950s, it’s been known that trivalent chromium is a trace mineral needed by the body in order for insulin to properly use glucose. It wasn’t until April 1977, when Toronto General Hospital’s Khursheed N. Jeejeebhoy, Ph.D., published a landmark study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that chromium was firmly established as critical for human health.
Chromium, as naturally organic Chromium GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor), is an important mineral that stimulates certain enzymes involved in the metabolism of glucose. A deficiency of Chromium GTF can lead to and aggravate adult-onset diabetes.
Chromium potentiates or enhances the action of insulin, it does not replace insulin. With an optimum level of chromium in the body, less insulin is required to keep glucose levels under control.
Chromium, as the central part of Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF), enhances the effect of insulin in the body. This factor improves glucose tolerance and insulin efficacy. Nutritecks Organic GTF contains high levels of organic chromium that is available for GTF.
Chromium deficiency in humans leads to symptoms associated with diabetes such as glucose intolerance, unexpected weight losses and impaired nerve conduction.
Chromium is an essential trace mineral required for normal sugar and fat metabolism. Organic chromium potentiates the action of insulin and is the active component of a substance called GTF (glucose tolerance factor), along with vitamin B3 and amino acids. Chromium occurs primarily in the trivalent and hexavalent forms; the form in higher organisms is trivalent. This mineral occurs throughout the body with highest concentrations in the liver, kidney, spleen and bone.
Chromium Deficiency
The primary sign of chromium deficiency is impaired glucose tolerance characterized by elevated levels of blood sugar and circulating insulin. Long term deficiency results in elevated cholesterol and elevated triglycerides. Chromium deficiency was first recognized in parenterally fed long term patients.
A Chromium GTF deficiency is quite common in the world today because the soil does not contain enough to supply the proper amounts to plants or the water supply.
Chromium Vitamin sources can be extracted from the following food:
* Brewers Yeast (best)
* Meats
* Liver
* Whole Wheat Bread
* Beets
Source : www.bellaonline.com
Chromium, as naturally organic Chromium GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor), is an important mineral that stimulates certain enzymes involved in the metabolism of glucose. A deficiency of Chromium GTF can lead to and aggravate adult-onset diabetes.
Chromium potentiates or enhances the action of insulin, it does not replace insulin. With an optimum level of chromium in the body, less insulin is required to keep glucose levels under control.
Chromium, as the central part of Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF), enhances the effect of insulin in the body. This factor improves glucose tolerance and insulin efficacy. Nutritecks Organic GTF contains high levels of organic chromium that is available for GTF.
Chromium deficiency in humans leads to symptoms associated with diabetes such as glucose intolerance, unexpected weight losses and impaired nerve conduction.
Chromium is an essential trace mineral required for normal sugar and fat metabolism. Organic chromium potentiates the action of insulin and is the active component of a substance called GTF (glucose tolerance factor), along with vitamin B3 and amino acids. Chromium occurs primarily in the trivalent and hexavalent forms; the form in higher organisms is trivalent. This mineral occurs throughout the body with highest concentrations in the liver, kidney, spleen and bone.
Chromium Deficiency
The primary sign of chromium deficiency is impaired glucose tolerance characterized by elevated levels of blood sugar and circulating insulin. Long term deficiency results in elevated cholesterol and elevated triglycerides. Chromium deficiency was first recognized in parenterally fed long term patients.
A Chromium GTF deficiency is quite common in the world today because the soil does not contain enough to supply the proper amounts to plants or the water supply.
Chromium Vitamin sources can be extracted from the following food:
* Brewers Yeast (best)
* Meats
* Liver
* Whole Wheat Bread
* Beets
Source : www.bellaonline.com
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