Monday, February 2, 2009

Chromium Deficiency, Signs and Symptoms

Chromium Deficiency because of the following factor:
1. Increase of age, decrease chromium.
Tissue levels of chromium tend to decrease with age, which may be a factor in the increase of adult-onset diabetes. Reduced absorption related to aging, diets that are stressful to the digestive system, and the modern refined diet all contribute to chromium deficiency.

2. Diet with high sugar.
People who eat a diet high in sugar and refined foods are more at risk for not getting enough chromium. Sugar increases chromium loss and refined foods are very low in chromium.

3. Wrong Way Manage Diet
Milk and other high-phosphorus foods tend to bind with chromium in the gut to make chromium phosphates that travel through the intestines and are not absorbed.

4. Soil deficiency and the refinement of foods.

Much of the chromium in whole grains and sugarcane is lost in making refined flour (40% loss) and white sugar (93% loss). In addition, there is some evidence that refined flour and sugar deplete even more chromium from the body.

Signs and Symptoms:

1. Mild deficiencies of chromium can produce symptoms other than problems in blood sugar metabolism, such as anxiety or fatigue.

2. Abnormal cholesterol metabolism and increased progress of atherosclerosis are associated with chromium deficiency.

3. Deficiency may also cause decreased growth in young people and slower healing time after injuries or surgery.

4. Chromium deficiency can resemble diabetes.

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