Bitter melon is a plant that is grown as a food and medicine in tropical areas like the Amazon, Asia and the Caribbean. It's a slender, climbing vine with a fruit that looks like a warty cucumber. Its Latin name Momordica means "to bite", because the jagged edges of its leaves appear as if they have been bitten. Everything in the Momordica plant, especially the fruit, taste extremely bitter.
[Bitter Melon]
Medicinally, the plant has long been used by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon to treat diabetes, intestinal gas, as an antiviral for measles and hepatitis. It promotes menstruation and is also used to topically treat sores, eczema, leprosy and large wounds. It is used by tribesmen to heal hypertension, malaria, fevers and headaches. Taken internally, it is effective in expelling worms and parasites in adults and children.
In numerous modern studies, all parts of the plant have been found to clinically demonstrate hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) properties and other beneficial properties against diabetes mellitus. The fruit's extract has shown the ability to enhance the body's glucose uptake and promotes insulin release. In other in vivo studies, the fruit and seed have been shown to reduce total cholesterol by significant amounts. Other studies have also demonstrated the anti-cancerous and anti-leukemic properties of bitter melon against liver cancer, leukemia and melanoma. Bitter melon is also effective against numerous viruses, including the Epstein-Barr, herpes and HIV viruses. In one study, a leaf extract increased the resistance to viral infections while also increasing the abilities of our natural killer cells. In addition, the fruit and fruit juice have shown strong antibacterial properties, especially against E.Coli.
Today, bitter melon capsules and teas have become more widely available in the Western world. Concentrated fruit extracts are now available in capsule form, as well as in powders and tinctures. It is also a suggested complementary treatment for diabetes, viruses, colds and flu, high cholesterol, psoriasis and certain cancers. The traditional method of making bitter herb tea is as follows: One cup of a standard leaf decoction taken two times daily, or 1-3 ml of tincture taken twice daily. The traditional South-American remedy and the most potent way of using bitter melon for diabetes is to extract the juice of a fresh bitter melon fruit to be drunk twice daily on an empty stomach. For seed or fruit extracts in capsules, make sure to follow the instructions on the label.
Even more effective than a conventional drug in lowering blood sugar!
Recently, the Department of Health in the Philippines has recommended bitter melon as one of the best herbal medicines for diabetic management. And multiple clinical studies have clearly established the role of bitter melon in people with diabetes.1 Scientists have now identified three groups of constituents that are thought to be responsible for its 'blood sugar lowering' action.
One of these, a compound called charantin, which is composed of mixed steroids, was found to be more effective than the oral hypoglycaemic drug, tolbutamide, in reducing blood sugar.
Another, an insulin-like polypeptide, called polypeptide P, appears to lower blood sugar in type I (insulin dependent) diabetics, while alkaloids present in the fruit have also been noted to have a blood sugar lowering effect. As yet, researchers are unclear as to which of these compounds is most effective or if it is the synergistic effect of all three. Further research is required to understand how these compounds actually work.
Compounds known as oleanolic acid glycosides have been found to improve glucose tolerance in Type II (maturity onset) diabetics by preventing the absorption of sugar from the intestines. Bitter melon has also been reported to increase the number of beta cells (cells that secrete insulin) in the pancreas, thereby improving your body's capability to produce insulin (insulin promotes the uptake of sugar from your blood by cells and tissues).
In one study, glucose tolerance was improved in 73 per cent of type II diabetics given 2oz of bitter melon juice. 2 In another study, 15 grams of the aqueous extract of bitter melon produced a 54 per cent decrease in post-prandial (occurring after eating) blood sugar in six patients.
In another study, published in a 1981 issue of the Journal of Natural Products, bitter melon was prepared as an injectable “plant insulin” and injected into five patients with type 1 and six patients with type 2. There was a control group of six patients 6 with type 1 and two patients with type 2 who did not receive any bitter melon.
In type 1s, average glucose decreased from 304 to 169 mg/dl four hours after injection; this effect was maintained at six and eight hours after injection.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
GT&F Milk Powder @ diabetes-diet-and-nutrition
Clinical research confirmed that GTF can combine with insulin to improve the various symptoms of diabetes. It is an essential factor to maintain the normal glucose metabolism in the body. The onset of diabetes is directly related to the deficiency of trivalent chromium. Scientist carrying out research in this area for more than ten years has discovered that GTF deficiency in the body might lead to diabetes. Supplementing GTF and various nutrients beneficial to diabetes can improve insulin functionality, promote blood sugar metabolism in the patients and thus considered as complementary treatment of diabetes.
GT&F® Milk Powder is made by blending GT&F® with New Zealand best grade milk powder to mimic the bioactivity of colostrums GTF. Since GT&F® is non-toxic, does not produce side effects, contains no drugs, hormones, or toxins, it is safe to take. GT&F® is able to effectively promote functioning of insulin, and long-term use provides body with sufficient GTF to maintain homeostasis of blood sugar and also will prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and its complications.
• Before Consuming The Product
In year 1990, I was diagnosed with diabetes. Unfortunately no one ever told me that a diabetic has to go for eye checking once every 2 or 3 years. 13 years later, I had developed keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and I experienced double vision. Optometrist told me that the blood vessels of my eyes had ruptured and it could only be cured with expensive laser surgery. I even lost the ability to drive.
My friend introduced me to GTF Worldwide’s Managing Director, Mr. Lim, hoping that his GT&F Milk Powder could help my case.
• After Consuming The Product
To my amazement, 20 days after consuming this product, the gangrene-like condition and scaring on my skin started to improve. 3 months later, my blood glucose dropped from 13 mmol/L to 7 or 8 mmol/L. 6 months later, my blood glucose dipped to 5.1mmol/L. Besides these, my overall health conditions also had improved significantly. For the past 20 years, I have’nt seen such an efficacious product that could really control, regulate and cure my sickness.
Clinical research confirmed that GTF can combine with insulin to improve the various symptoms of diabetes. It is an essential factor to maintain the normal glucose metabolism in the body. The onset of diabetes is directly related to the deficiency of trivalent chromium. Scientist carrying out research in this area for more than ten years has discovered that GTF deficiency in the body might lead to diabetes. Supplementing GTF and various nutrients beneficial to diabetes can improve insulin functionality, promote blood sugar metabolism in the patients and thus considered as complementary treatment of diabetes.
GT&F® Milk Powder is made by blending GT&F® with New Zealand best grade milk powder to mimic the bioactivity of colostrums GTF. Since GT&F® is non-toxic, does not produce side effects, contains no drugs, hormones, or toxins, it is safe to take. GT&F® is able to effectively promote functioning of insulin, and long-term use provides body with sufficient GTF to maintain homeostasis of blood sugar and also will prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and its complications.
• Before Consuming The Product
In year 1990, I was diagnosed with diabetes. Unfortunately no one ever told me that a diabetic has to go for eye checking once every 2 or 3 years. 13 years later, I had developed keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and I experienced double vision. Optometrist told me that the blood vessels of my eyes had ruptured and it could only be cured with expensive laser surgery. I even lost the ability to drive.
My friend introduced me to GTF Worldwide’s Managing Director, Mr. Lim, hoping that his GT&F Milk Powder could help my case.
• After Consuming The Product
To my amazement, 20 days after consuming this product, the gangrene-like condition and scaring on my skin started to improve. 3 months later, my blood glucose dropped from 13 mmol/L to 7 or 8 mmol/L. 6 months later, my blood glucose dipped to 5.1mmol/L. Besides these, my overall health conditions also had improved significantly. For the past 20 years, I have’nt seen such an efficacious product that could really control, regulate and cure my sickness.
Side effect: The side effect is sometimes the drug might cause flatulence
There are a few type of drugs that reduce blood sugar levels and the most important drugs are the Sulphonylureas family and Biguanides family.
The machanism of this type of drugs is replenishing insulin secretion. In other words, the alpha cells of the pancreas in the patients body are still able to secrete low but in adequate amount of insulin. Therefore, this type of drugs augments the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. There are several brand names for this family of drugs but their therapeutic effects are very much the same.
Side effects :
There is a risk of low blood pressure especially in elderly patients who has taking this drug for a long period of time. Therefore, this type of drugs must be prescribed by medical specialists.
This type of drugs encourage weight gain. The condition is worse in obese patients as obesity will increase the insulin resistance in the body. This is because the cells are covered by a layer of fat oil. Thus, it is more difficult for pancreas to open the "door" (receptors) of the cells to allow the blood sugar to enter.
Currently there is only one brand name for this family of drugs, which isl "Metformin". The mode of action of this drug is reducing the source of blood sugar, which is also assisting insulin to allow more blood sgar to enter into the cells. At the same time, this drug can also strengthen the tissues in the human body sothat more blood sugar can be utilized. This type of drug has the following benefits:
1) Suitable for type 2 diabetic patient
2) Suitable for obese diabetic patient. This drug is the first line medicine used by obese diabetic patients.(Translator note:Anorexic—Because of this function, Biguanides suitable for obese patients to cause them to reduce their food intake, lower their body weight, and improve the peripheral function of insulin.)
Side effects:
The side effect of this type of drug is the discomfort in the stomach and intestines. Hence, this drug should be taken after meal. However, those with kidney disorder should not take this type of drugs.
This type of drugs is able to enhance sensitivity of insulin. In other words, it helps blood sugar to enter into cells more easily. If Sulphonylureas and Biguanides mentioned above fail to reduce blood glucose level effectively, then thiazolidinediones drugs should be used.
Blood glucose levels definitely increase after the patients has eaten meal. This type of drugs is able to reduce the blood glucose levels increased after a meal.
Side effect: The side effect is sometimes the drug might cause flatulence
Nearly 25% of diabtic patients need to inject insulin. It is a type of Polypeptide Hormone. When insulin comes into contact with gastric acid, it become ineffective. Therefore, the patients have to inject into body directly.
After Insulin injection, the patients should monitor their blood glucose levels. The blood glucose level after meal should between 4 to 9 mm01/L. Most patients should use insulin of mid-term effects and with two injections per day.
The drugs mentioned above are different methods to reduce the blood glucose in diabetic patients. Although they have high therapeupic effects, each type of drugs does have their side effects.
Translation from Sin Chew Daily dated 21 March 2006
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical test
Leader : Dr. Tai Tung-Yuan
• Former Principle of Taiwan National University College of Medicine
• Renown Taiwan Diabetes Specialist
• Director of Taiwan Diabetes Association
Clinical Trial Team :
1. Taiwan National University Hospital, participant Dr. Zhuang Li Meng specialist in Molecular Virology
2.Tri-Service General Hospital, participant Dr. Kuo Xi Wen specialist in Metabolism
3.Taichung Veterans General Hospital, participant Dr. Hsu Hui Heng specialist in Metabolism
4. National Cheng-Kung University Hospital, participant Dr. Wu Da Ren specialist in Metabolism
5. Jian Ya Biotechnology Cooperation, participant Dr. Chang Qi Tai specialist in New Medicine Exploitation
This clinical test was carried out in four renowned hospitals in Taiwan:
• National Cheng-Kung University Hospital
• National Taiwan University Hospital
• Tri-Service General Hospital
• Taichung Veterans General Hospital
This clinical test has shown that GT&F® Milk Powder is effective in lowering fasting plasma glucose in diabetes patients.
Clinical Test Results: (published in The 25 th Annual Meeting of The Endocrinology Society and The Diabetes Association of The R.O.C. 2004)
The followings are the status of various R&D work and product testing conducted on GT&F Milk Powder:
1. Content Analysis Completed: Samples from 3 different batches of milk powder produced were sent for ingredient and quality control analysis. The analysis was conducted and report was issued by the Food Industry Development Research Centre.
2. Product Stability Analysis Completed: The analysis was conducted by the physiology lab in the Veterinary faculty of the Taiwan Chung-Hsing University and GMP Chinese Medicine Factory. The analysis results show that GT&F Milk Powder is stable in form and its drying and health supplement ingredient are meeting product stability standard.
3. Product Effectiveness Testing Completed: This testing was conducted by the physiology lab in the veterinary faculty of the Taiwan Chung-Hsing University. The product effectiveness testing had been completed.
4. Genetic Toxicity Testing Completed: This testing was conducted by the Food Industry Development Research Centre. Outcome of these tests proved that GT&F Milk Powder does not have genetic toxicity.
5. Oral Consumption Instant Toxicity Test Completed: This test was conducted by Agricultural Committee Agriculture Chemicals Testing Laboratory. Testing outcome showed that the sample had no toxic effect on laboratory rats. After 7 – 14 days, the test group rats have significant weight increase as compared to the rats from the control group. Analysis on internal organs of the test rats had indicated no harmful effect. The Oral Consumption Instant Toxicity Dosage (LD50) had shown to be at 5,000mg per kilogram body weight. This test confirmed that GT&F Milk Powder is not toxic.
6. 28-day Oral Toxicity Test Completed: This test was conducted by Agricultural Committee Agriculture Chemicals Testing Laboratory. Based on analysis on clinical symptoms, weight changes, food intake, eye checks, blood tests, serum analysis, etc. on the laboratory rats, no toxic reaction was indicated. The NOAEL dosage based on the 28-day oral toxicity test was determined to be 1000mg/kg of body weight. This test confirmed that GT&F Milk Powder is not toxic.
7. Human Clinical Trial Completed: This double-blind clinical trial was conducted in four major teaching hospitals in Taiwan: the Taiwan National University College of Medicine, Tai Chung Veterans General Hospital, National Cheng-Kong University Hospital and Army General Hospital. It was led by renown diabetes expert – Dr. Tai Dung-Yuan. Dr. Tai is the chairman of Taiwan Diabetic Association and former principal of the Taiwan National University College of Medicine. This trial was completed in 2004 and its final results had been publicized in July 2004. According to this trial, GT&F Milk Powder is effective in reducing blood glucose level and improves the symptoms of diabetes.
Innovation Incubator:
The research division of Maxluck Biotechnology Ltd. was officially located into the Innovation Incubator of National Chung-Hsing University in June 2000. The elite research team is led by Dr. Mao Jia-hung, PhD in endocrinology of Wisconsin University.
Leader : Dr. Tai Tung-Yuan
• Former Principle of Taiwan National University College of Medicine
• Renown Taiwan Diabetes Specialist
• Director of Taiwan Diabetes Association
Clinical Trial Team :
1. Taiwan National University Hospital, participant Dr. Zhuang Li Meng specialist in Molecular Virology
2.Tri-Service General Hospital, participant Dr. Kuo Xi Wen specialist in Metabolism
3.Taichung Veterans General Hospital, participant Dr. Hsu Hui Heng specialist in Metabolism
4. National Cheng-Kung University Hospital, participant Dr. Wu Da Ren specialist in Metabolism
5. Jian Ya Biotechnology Cooperation, participant Dr. Chang Qi Tai specialist in New Medicine Exploitation
This clinical test was carried out in four renowned hospitals in Taiwan:
• National Cheng-Kung University Hospital
• National Taiwan University Hospital
• Tri-Service General Hospital
• Taichung Veterans General Hospital
This clinical test has shown that GT&F® Milk Powder is effective in lowering fasting plasma glucose in diabetes patients.
Clinical Test Results: (published in The 25 th Annual Meeting of The Endocrinology Society and The Diabetes Association of The R.O.C. 2004)
The followings are the status of various R&D work and product testing conducted on GT&F Milk Powder:
1. Content Analysis Completed: Samples from 3 different batches of milk powder produced were sent for ingredient and quality control analysis. The analysis was conducted and report was issued by the Food Industry Development Research Centre.
2. Product Stability Analysis Completed: The analysis was conducted by the physiology lab in the Veterinary faculty of the Taiwan Chung-Hsing University and GMP Chinese Medicine Factory. The analysis results show that GT&F Milk Powder is stable in form and its drying and health supplement ingredient are meeting product stability standard.
3. Product Effectiveness Testing Completed: This testing was conducted by the physiology lab in the veterinary faculty of the Taiwan Chung-Hsing University. The product effectiveness testing had been completed.
4. Genetic Toxicity Testing Completed: This testing was conducted by the Food Industry Development Research Centre. Outcome of these tests proved that GT&F Milk Powder does not have genetic toxicity.
5. Oral Consumption Instant Toxicity Test Completed: This test was conducted by Agricultural Committee Agriculture Chemicals Testing Laboratory. Testing outcome showed that the sample had no toxic effect on laboratory rats. After 7 – 14 days, the test group rats have significant weight increase as compared to the rats from the control group. Analysis on internal organs of the test rats had indicated no harmful effect. The Oral Consumption Instant Toxicity Dosage (LD50) had shown to be at 5,000mg per kilogram body weight. This test confirmed that GT&F Milk Powder is not toxic.
6. 28-day Oral Toxicity Test Completed: This test was conducted by Agricultural Committee Agriculture Chemicals Testing Laboratory. Based on analysis on clinical symptoms, weight changes, food intake, eye checks, blood tests, serum analysis, etc. on the laboratory rats, no toxic reaction was indicated. The NOAEL dosage based on the 28-day oral toxicity test was determined to be 1000mg/kg of body weight. This test confirmed that GT&F Milk Powder is not toxic.
7. Human Clinical Trial Completed: This double-blind clinical trial was conducted in four major teaching hospitals in Taiwan: the Taiwan National University College of Medicine, Tai Chung Veterans General Hospital, National Cheng-Kong University Hospital and Army General Hospital. It was led by renown diabetes expert – Dr. Tai Dung-Yuan. Dr. Tai is the chairman of Taiwan Diabetic Association and former principal of the Taiwan National University College of Medicine. This trial was completed in 2004 and its final results had been publicized in July 2004. According to this trial, GT&F Milk Powder is effective in reducing blood glucose level and improves the symptoms of diabetes.
Innovation Incubator:
The research division of Maxluck Biotechnology Ltd. was officially located into the Innovation Incubator of National Chung-Hsing University in June 2000. The elite research team is led by Dr. Mao Jia-hung, PhD in endocrinology of Wisconsin University.
PRICE : RM268 OR $78USD per box (including tax and courier)
Take : 2 capsules daily (1 hour before breakfast, total 60 capsules
Pay to my paypal account : via button BUY NOW.
Bank-in to my account:
Bank: Malayan Banking Berhad
Akaun: 162441005942
SMS or email following particular
1. Your Full Name
2. Paymen Reference No (Nombor Rujukan Pembayaran)
3. Tell me method of payment (Cara Pembayaran (Online, Transfer, Cek atau sebagainya)
4. Amount of payment (Jumlah Belian dan Amaun (RM)
5. Your full address (Sertakan alamat penuh jika khidmat penghantaran diperlukan)
I will courier immediate, after i get all those particular to your name and your full address mention in STEP TWO
Call me 019-2207789 (SHAHRUDDIN),
Take : 2 capsules daily (1 hour before breakfast, total 60 capsules
Pay to my paypal account : via button BUY NOW.
Bank-in to my account:
Bank: Malayan Banking Berhad
Akaun: 162441005942
SMS or email following particular
1. Your Full Name
2. Paymen Reference No (Nombor Rujukan Pembayaran)
3. Tell me method of payment (Cara Pembayaran (Online, Transfer, Cek atau sebagainya)
4. Amount of payment (Jumlah Belian dan Amaun (RM)
5. Your full address (Sertakan alamat penuh jika khidmat penghantaran diperlukan)
I will courier immediate, after i get all those particular to your name and your full address mention in STEP TWO
Call me 019-2207789 (SHAHRUDDIN),
Saturday, April 5, 2008
1. GT&F Product Exhibition at MIHAS 2008
We are pleased to inform you taht our company will participate in the 5th Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) at Matrade Exhibition & Convention Cebtre (MECC), Jalan Duta Kuala Lumpur from 7th - 11th May 2008 (5 days)
MIHAS is a programme under the HALAL MALAYSIA project hich is spreadsheet by YADIM. and under patronage of HE Prime Minister of Malaysia.
This effort has a primary objective to bring together buyers and traders from the Halal industry arund the world annuallly to Malaysia to participate in creating a window for the Global Halal solution by networking
GT&F Milk Powder ia a product which been recognized by The Chinese Muslim Association, Taipei Grand Mosque. Details as follows:
The Chinese Muslim Association
NO : 951118
Date of Registration : Nov 18, 2006
Date of Expiration : Nov 17, 2009
Address : 62, Hsin Sheng, South Rad Sec 2, Taipei, Taiwan. ROC
Tel : 886-2-2321-9445 Fax : 886-2-2393-5283
Product : GT&F Milk Powder (M-Vital GT&F)
Producer : Maxluck BioTechnology Corp
Signature : Salahudin Ma Choa Yen, Chairman Taipei Grand Mosque
The cmpany also welcomes your down lines and interested GFT distributor to register as GTF Appointed Exhibitor at this exhibition.
2. SEMINAR : Challenge a Shape Up
Date : 19 April 2008
9am - 2pm
GTF Worldwide HQ, Taman Danau Desa
FREE Geakth Screening Test:
a. Blood Glokuse Test
b. Blood Pressure Measurement
c. Accupoint Check
d. Body Fat Assessment
e. Diet Monitporing amd Consultation
Nutritous Meal
Improve on body weight, let you feel better, young and more energetic
We are pleased to inform you taht our company will participate in the 5th Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) at Matrade Exhibition & Convention Cebtre (MECC), Jalan Duta Kuala Lumpur from 7th - 11th May 2008 (5 days)
MIHAS is a programme under the HALAL MALAYSIA project hich is spreadsheet by YADIM. and under patronage of HE Prime Minister of Malaysia.
This effort has a primary objective to bring together buyers and traders from the Halal industry arund the world annuallly to Malaysia to participate in creating a window for the Global Halal solution by networking
GT&F Milk Powder ia a product which been recognized by The Chinese Muslim Association, Taipei Grand Mosque. Details as follows:
The Chinese Muslim Association
NO : 951118
Date of Registration : Nov 18, 2006
Date of Expiration : Nov 17, 2009
Address : 62, Hsin Sheng, South Rad Sec 2, Taipei, Taiwan. ROC
Tel : 886-2-2321-9445 Fax : 886-2-2393-5283
Product : GT&F Milk Powder (M-Vital GT&F)
Producer : Maxluck BioTechnology Corp
Signature : Salahudin Ma Choa Yen, Chairman Taipei Grand Mosque
The cmpany also welcomes your down lines and interested GFT distributor to register as GTF Appointed Exhibitor at this exhibition.
2. SEMINAR : Challenge a Shape Up
Date : 19 April 2008
9am - 2pm
GTF Worldwide HQ, Taman Danau Desa
FREE Geakth Screening Test:
a. Blood Glokuse Test
b. Blood Pressure Measurement
c. Accupoint Check
d. Body Fat Assessment
e. Diet Monitporing amd Consultation
Nutritous Meal
Improve on body weight, let you feel better, young and more energetic
Healing Process
GT&F Milk Powder is a superior health food supplement that brings about noticeable positive results. Some users have experienced such healing reactions which are typified by exhibiting various personal feelings and different symptoms as no two persons are the same biologically.
Don't be alarmed as GTF does not contain toxicity or drugs. These personal feelings and symptoms are short term in nature. They will disappear shortly. For familiarisation, we share with you their personal experiences and symptoms as follows :
Dry lips and throat,
Slight rise in body temperature
GT&F Milk Powder has activated living cells through effective regulation of Blood sugar, lipids and amino acids metabolism, giving rise to body temperature and dryness.
These symptoms will continue for a few days. After your body has adapted
to it, normalcy will return.
Muscles ache
GT&F Milk Powder enhances blood circulation and increases cellular metabolism activities of living cells.
This symptom will persist for a few days after adapting to the efficacy of the Milk Powder,body will return to normal
Feeling tired and thirsty.
Body has been over-stressed in the past Liver functions are probably not in good shape.
This symptom will persist for a few days after adapting to the efficacy of the Milk Powder The body will return to normal
Don't be alarmed as GTF does not contain toxicity or drugs. These personal feelings and symptoms are short term in nature. They will disappear shortly. For familiarisation, we share with you their personal experiences and symptoms as follows :
Dry lips and throat,
Slight rise in body temperature
GT&F Milk Powder has activated living cells through effective regulation of Blood sugar, lipids and amino acids metabolism, giving rise to body temperature and dryness.
These symptoms will continue for a few days. After your body has adapted
to it, normalcy will return.
Muscles ache
GT&F Milk Powder enhances blood circulation and increases cellular metabolism activities of living cells.
This symptom will persist for a few days after adapting to the efficacy of the Milk Powder,body will return to normal
Feeling tired and thirsty.
Body has been over-stressed in the past Liver functions are probably not in good shape.
This symptom will persist for a few days after adapting to the efficacy of the Milk Powder The body will return to normal
Relationship between GTF & Diabetes
According to a statistic released by the Taiwanese Health Authority, diabetes is listed as one of the top ten national major causes of death since 1979. Its mortality rate increased from 6.5 person per 100 thousands population in year 1978 to 42.6 person per 100 thousands population in year 2000 and still showing a tendency of annual increase. According to forecast of a medical survey, from year 1994 to 2010, the number of diabetic patients will double. The main resources are change in lifestyles, including increased mental stress, decreased exercises, and changes in eating habits. All these result in the sharp rise of diabetic population. This also explains why the probability of getting diabetes increase since the change of human life from agricultural to metropolitan.
Researches show that GTF plays an important role in glucose and lipid metabolism in human body, while intake of trivalent chromium is closely correlated to the risks of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. A research of past 5 years shows that trivalent chromium can enhance utilization of glucose and has positive effects on various types of glucose intolerance, i.e. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes and steroidal diabetes. The conditions of patients with diabetic neuro-pathological changes and poor glucose tolerance significantly improved when given recommended amount of chromium supplement. Trivalent chromium in the body stimulates the binding of insulin and insulin receptor, activates insulin receptor and improves insulin sensitivity. Trivalent chromium is an essential nutrient in the synthesis of GTF, and has positive effects on glucose, protein and lipid metabolisms in human and animals. Low chromium intake, coupled with poor eating habits of excessive sugar and lipid consumption result in severe chromium deficiency among current population. Therefore, adding chromium supplement in the daily diet helps patients with mild glucose intolerance and even patients with obvious diabetic symptoms to stimulate glucose metabolism, improve disease conditions and reduce complications..
As diabetic patients are under prolonged high-glucose state, their blood vessels experience severe damage, making the vessels fragile and hard to recover, resulting in complications of circulatory and nervous systems. Research showed that, in the presence of insulin, GTF could improve efficiency of insulin in glucose metabolism, reduce blood glucose concentration by 29% and triglycerides concentration by 56%. On the contrary, if the trivalent chromium in GTF is removed, it lost its ability in reducing blood glucose. Therefore, trivalent chromium is indispensable for glucose metabolism in our body.
The concentration of trivalent chromium in our body reduces with the increase of our age. In a clinical trial conducted by Dr. Stephen Davies in England, it was demonstrated that chromium in our serum reduces continuously from 0.5 mcg/mL when a person's age reaches 70. Chromium level in the serum of Type 2 diabetic patients is approximately 0.2 mcg/mL, significantly lower than the level of 0.5 mcg/mL in healthy people. These patients also experience higher chromium losses in urine. Several other conditions, such as over-work, pregnancy, obesity, old age, alcoholism, surgery or diseases, will cause depletion of trivalent chromium in the body, leading to trivalent chromium deficiency and reduced synthesis of GTF. Consequently, blood glucose cannot enter the cells easily and this will result in the clinical symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Clinical researches have confirmed that the synergies between GTF and insulin could change various symptoms of diabetes. This is an essential factor to maintain normal glucose metabolism in the body. There is a direct correlation between onset of diabetes and trivalent chromium deficiency. Research in this area had been carried out by scientists for more than ten years and had shown that GTF deficiency could lead to diabetes. Supplementary of GTF and various nutrients beneficial to diabetes can improve insulin functionality, promote glucose metabolism in patients, and thus are considered as the latest complimentary treatment of diabetes.
All along diabetes is controlled using glucose-reducing drugs, such as sulfonylurea and biguanide derivatives. Although these two drugs have different mechanisms, both can only reduce blood glucose but cannot cure diabetes thoroughly. Thus the conditions of patients worsen each year. In the recent ten years, short-term insulin secretion enhancer, starch decomposition and absorption inhibitor and insulin sensitivity enhancer are added to enhance the control of diabetes. Their effects on controlling diabetes, however, are still limited. Current medical science researches on diabetes have turned towards the direction of strengthening the bioactivity of insulin and sensitivity of its receptor. Therefore, GTF offers a new direction for diabetes treatment.
Research in recent years found that the main cause of Type 2 diabetes is the reduction of insulin sensitivity. When our cells cannot utilize blood glucose efficiently, blood glucose stays higher and this stimulates increased secretion of insulin, causing high blood insulin symptoms. Low insulin sensitivity are mostly related to environment, diet, obesity, smoking and defective cell mechanisms. GTF can improve various symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, increase the sensitivity of insulin and insulin receptors, enhances the utilization of glucose by the cells, thus improve blood glucose metabolism. Supplementing GTF daily can increase the GTF level in the body and help normalizing glucose metabolism in diabetic patients. For healthy people, supplementing GTF has the effects of illness prevention and general health care.
The medical treatment and control of diabetes:
Though the development of medicine is at a rapid pace, to treat diabetes and to improve patients' conditions, the following methods should be followed:
1) Diet Control
Regardless of the type of diabetes, seriousness of patient's conditions or presence of secondary diseases, the patient's diet should be controlled. This is the most basic concept of treatment. Diabetic patients must adjust their diet, control sugar intake, stop habit of over-eating and consult dietician to choose suitable food.
2) Exercise
Exercise is an effective way to improve diabetes. Diabetic patients can exercise the same way as healthy people do. Suitable amount of exercise can help to control a patient's condition. Usually, it is recommended that patients exercise 3 to 4 times weekly, each time for 15 to 30 minutes. This is good for diabetic in the following ways:
a) Burning off excess calories to maintain normal body weight, and enhancing the sensitivity of body cells to insulin.
b) Promoting blood circulation and widening of tissue venules, thus increase the rate of glucose utilization.
c) Improving abnormalities in lipid metabolism.
d) Reducing degree of hardening of blood vessels
3) Medical treatment
Two main types of medical treatment are insulin and oral medications. Types 1 diabetes depends on insulin injection; while Type 2 diabetic patients need insulin injection or insulin injection together with blood glucose reduction medication to control blood glucose. Dosage of medication is different for each individual. Using blood sugar-reducing medicine might induce problems such as low blood sugar and low insulin sensitivity. Therefore, patients must follow doctors instructions on dosage and must not stop any medication by themselves.
4) GTF supplement
Clinical research confirmed that GTF can combine with insulin to improve the various symptoms of diabetes. It is an essential factor to maintain the normal glucose metabolism in the body. The onset of diabetes is directly related to the deficiency of trivalent chromium. Scientist carrying out research in this area for more than ten years has discovered that GTF deficiency in the body might lead to diabetes. Supplementing GTF and various nutrients beneficial to diabetes can improve insulin functionality, promote blood sugar metabolism in the patients and thus considered as complementary treatment of diabetes.
Researches show that GTF plays an important role in glucose and lipid metabolism in human body, while intake of trivalent chromium is closely correlated to the risks of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. A research of past 5 years shows that trivalent chromium can enhance utilization of glucose and has positive effects on various types of glucose intolerance, i.e. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes and steroidal diabetes. The conditions of patients with diabetic neuro-pathological changes and poor glucose tolerance significantly improved when given recommended amount of chromium supplement. Trivalent chromium in the body stimulates the binding of insulin and insulin receptor, activates insulin receptor and improves insulin sensitivity. Trivalent chromium is an essential nutrient in the synthesis of GTF, and has positive effects on glucose, protein and lipid metabolisms in human and animals. Low chromium intake, coupled with poor eating habits of excessive sugar and lipid consumption result in severe chromium deficiency among current population. Therefore, adding chromium supplement in the daily diet helps patients with mild glucose intolerance and even patients with obvious diabetic symptoms to stimulate glucose metabolism, improve disease conditions and reduce complications..
As diabetic patients are under prolonged high-glucose state, their blood vessels experience severe damage, making the vessels fragile and hard to recover, resulting in complications of circulatory and nervous systems. Research showed that, in the presence of insulin, GTF could improve efficiency of insulin in glucose metabolism, reduce blood glucose concentration by 29% and triglycerides concentration by 56%. On the contrary, if the trivalent chromium in GTF is removed, it lost its ability in reducing blood glucose. Therefore, trivalent chromium is indispensable for glucose metabolism in our body.
The concentration of trivalent chromium in our body reduces with the increase of our age. In a clinical trial conducted by Dr. Stephen Davies in England, it was demonstrated that chromium in our serum reduces continuously from 0.5 mcg/mL when a person's age reaches 70. Chromium level in the serum of Type 2 diabetic patients is approximately 0.2 mcg/mL, significantly lower than the level of 0.5 mcg/mL in healthy people. These patients also experience higher chromium losses in urine. Several other conditions, such as over-work, pregnancy, obesity, old age, alcoholism, surgery or diseases, will cause depletion of trivalent chromium in the body, leading to trivalent chromium deficiency and reduced synthesis of GTF. Consequently, blood glucose cannot enter the cells easily and this will result in the clinical symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Clinical researches have confirmed that the synergies between GTF and insulin could change various symptoms of diabetes. This is an essential factor to maintain normal glucose metabolism in the body. There is a direct correlation between onset of diabetes and trivalent chromium deficiency. Research in this area had been carried out by scientists for more than ten years and had shown that GTF deficiency could lead to diabetes. Supplementary of GTF and various nutrients beneficial to diabetes can improve insulin functionality, promote glucose metabolism in patients, and thus are considered as the latest complimentary treatment of diabetes.
All along diabetes is controlled using glucose-reducing drugs, such as sulfonylurea and biguanide derivatives. Although these two drugs have different mechanisms, both can only reduce blood glucose but cannot cure diabetes thoroughly. Thus the conditions of patients worsen each year. In the recent ten years, short-term insulin secretion enhancer, starch decomposition and absorption inhibitor and insulin sensitivity enhancer are added to enhance the control of diabetes. Their effects on controlling diabetes, however, are still limited. Current medical science researches on diabetes have turned towards the direction of strengthening the bioactivity of insulin and sensitivity of its receptor. Therefore, GTF offers a new direction for diabetes treatment.
Research in recent years found that the main cause of Type 2 diabetes is the reduction of insulin sensitivity. When our cells cannot utilize blood glucose efficiently, blood glucose stays higher and this stimulates increased secretion of insulin, causing high blood insulin symptoms. Low insulin sensitivity are mostly related to environment, diet, obesity, smoking and defective cell mechanisms. GTF can improve various symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, increase the sensitivity of insulin and insulin receptors, enhances the utilization of glucose by the cells, thus improve blood glucose metabolism. Supplementing GTF daily can increase the GTF level in the body and help normalizing glucose metabolism in diabetic patients. For healthy people, supplementing GTF has the effects of illness prevention and general health care.
The medical treatment and control of diabetes:
Though the development of medicine is at a rapid pace, to treat diabetes and to improve patients' conditions, the following methods should be followed:
1) Diet Control
Regardless of the type of diabetes, seriousness of patient's conditions or presence of secondary diseases, the patient's diet should be controlled. This is the most basic concept of treatment. Diabetic patients must adjust their diet, control sugar intake, stop habit of over-eating and consult dietician to choose suitable food.
2) Exercise
Exercise is an effective way to improve diabetes. Diabetic patients can exercise the same way as healthy people do. Suitable amount of exercise can help to control a patient's condition. Usually, it is recommended that patients exercise 3 to 4 times weekly, each time for 15 to 30 minutes. This is good for diabetic in the following ways:
a) Burning off excess calories to maintain normal body weight, and enhancing the sensitivity of body cells to insulin.
b) Promoting blood circulation and widening of tissue venules, thus increase the rate of glucose utilization.
c) Improving abnormalities in lipid metabolism.
d) Reducing degree of hardening of blood vessels
3) Medical treatment
Two main types of medical treatment are insulin and oral medications. Types 1 diabetes depends on insulin injection; while Type 2 diabetic patients need insulin injection or insulin injection together with blood glucose reduction medication to control blood glucose. Dosage of medication is different for each individual. Using blood sugar-reducing medicine might induce problems such as low blood sugar and low insulin sensitivity. Therefore, patients must follow doctors instructions on dosage and must not stop any medication by themselves.
4) GTF supplement
Clinical research confirmed that GTF can combine with insulin to improve the various symptoms of diabetes. It is an essential factor to maintain the normal glucose metabolism in the body. The onset of diabetes is directly related to the deficiency of trivalent chromium. Scientist carrying out research in this area for more than ten years has discovered that GTF deficiency in the body might lead to diabetes. Supplementing GTF and various nutrients beneficial to diabetes can improve insulin functionality, promote blood sugar metabolism in the patients and thus considered as complementary treatment of diabetes.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Superferrin GTF Capsules

Superferrin GTF or Chromferrin, stand for GTF Chromium plus Lactoferrin.
Japan company TRUST start market Chromferrin Capsule using the name Superferrin GTF in 2002. Japan's Ministry of Health required our company proved the product do not contain any substance that can cause cancer before Japan allowed such product to import to their country.
For those unable to take milk powder like those with kidney problem and those from countries that prohibit import of diary like New Zealand, Japan,etc.
Nutrition Facts :
Serving size 2 capsules: 760mg
Servings Per Box: 60 capsules
Ingredients :
Chromium, Whey Protein Concentrate with Lactoferrin
Direction :
Two Capsules Daily for Adult (normal)
FOR CRITICAL DIABETIC, RECOMMENDED 4 capsule (2 morning, 2 night)
Nutrition Facts :
Serving size 2 capsules: 760mg
Servings Per Box: 60 capsules
PRICE : $85.00USD
GT&F Milk Powder

GTF (Glucose tolerance factor) is known as a hormone-like compound that works with insulin to transfer glucose from blood into cells. It is composed of certain trivalent chromium, some minerals, amino acids and vitamin. When GTF function is not working properly, the cells resist insulin and do not properly absorb the glucose needed for generation of energy. The liver also needs GTF to manufacture fatty acids, lecithin, cholesterol and lipoproteins. In 1959, Dr. Mertzs, the former director of the Institute of Human Nutrition, USDA, first discovered GTF in porcine kidney.
Later, researchers also found other types of GTF compounds in the liver of other animals, malt yeast and the colostrums of cattle. The best GTF is in human colostrums that are naturally designed for healthy growth in newborn infants. Many manufactures attempted to produce GTF but most production processes of GTF were unstable and could not be mass-produced for commercialization.
Maxluck Biotechnology Corp. have studied colostrums GTF for many years, we finally had a remarkable breakthrough and successfully manufactured colostrums GTF (brand name GT&F®). The GT&F® technology is a patented technology (USP 6,379,693) approved by USPTO. This biotechnological technique can mass produce GT&F®, instead of extracting colostrums GTF.
GT&F® Milk Powder is made by blending GT&F® with New Zealand best grade milk powder to mimic the bioactivity of colostrums GTF plus chromium. Since GT&F® is non-toxic, does not produce side effects, contains no drugs, hormones, or toxins, it is safe to take. GT&F® is able to effectively promote functioning of insulin, and long-term use provides body with sufficient GTF to maintain homeostasis of blood sugar and also will prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and its complications.
Ingredients :
Chromium, Milk Powder, Whey Protein Concentrate with Lactoferrin
Serving size 1 Sachet: 20g
Servings Per Box: 30 Sachets
GT&F Milk Powder For Diabetes Patient
To understand the benefits of GT&F Milk Powder , you must first understand the dynamics of blood sugar control.
The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin, the hormone responsible for maintaining healthy glucose levels in the blood. When a persons glucose levels get out of control, it is because the pancreas is no longer producing enough insulin but mostly because the body has developed a resistance to its own insulin . Injecting artificial insulin only suppresses your own production of the hormone---after a few hours, the effect is gone and more insulin is needed. This becomes a never-ending battle that only aggravates the prognosis.
Most pharmaceuticals on the market today will only treat the symptoms of diabetes. Therefore, for the effective treatment of the disease, you must consider alternative methods that will stimulate your pancreas to do its job and reduce the insulin-resistance syndrome.
GT&F Milk Powder will improve the insulin production by stimulating your pancreas to produce more insulin. It will also cleanse your liver of toxins, reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels and cleanse your kidneys, thereby helping to avoid the need for dialysis!
GT&F Milk Powder, used in conjunction with a low carbohydrate diet and a healthy level of exercise will put you back on the road to recovery.
One last piece of advice: BE PATIENT ! You didn`t become diabetic overnight. We have found that boiling and steeping our tea is vital to its effectiveness, so please, take the time to follow the instructions carefully and be faithful to the preparation procedure. Continue to take your medications along with the GT&F Milk Powder. As your glucose levels begin to lower consistently, then is the time to begin to suppress your other medications. This may happen after a couple of weeks.
However, we recommend you take GT&F Milk Powder for a minimum of six months. Thousands of users have brought their blood sugar levels under control after this amount of time, and no longer take the tea or any other medication.
However, GT&F Milk Powder is so good for you in other ways that you would do well to take it indefinitely.It is 100% natural, 100% non-toxic and we are so sure of its benefits.
Website :
The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin, the hormone responsible for maintaining healthy glucose levels in the blood. When a persons glucose levels get out of control, it is because the pancreas is no longer producing enough insulin but mostly because the body has developed a resistance to its own insulin . Injecting artificial insulin only suppresses your own production of the hormone---after a few hours, the effect is gone and more insulin is needed. This becomes a never-ending battle that only aggravates the prognosis.
Most pharmaceuticals on the market today will only treat the symptoms of diabetes. Therefore, for the effective treatment of the disease, you must consider alternative methods that will stimulate your pancreas to do its job and reduce the insulin-resistance syndrome.
GT&F Milk Powder will improve the insulin production by stimulating your pancreas to produce more insulin. It will also cleanse your liver of toxins, reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels and cleanse your kidneys, thereby helping to avoid the need for dialysis!
GT&F Milk Powder, used in conjunction with a low carbohydrate diet and a healthy level of exercise will put you back on the road to recovery.
One last piece of advice: BE PATIENT ! You didn`t become diabetic overnight. We have found that boiling and steeping our tea is vital to its effectiveness, so please, take the time to follow the instructions carefully and be faithful to the preparation procedure. Continue to take your medications along with the GT&F Milk Powder. As your glucose levels begin to lower consistently, then is the time to begin to suppress your other medications. This may happen after a couple of weeks.
However, we recommend you take GT&F Milk Powder for a minimum of six months. Thousands of users have brought their blood sugar levels under control after this amount of time, and no longer take the tea or any other medication.
However, GT&F Milk Powder is so good for you in other ways that you would do well to take it indefinitely.It is 100% natural, 100% non-toxic and we are so sure of its benefits.
Website :
Hypoglycemia (hypoglycaemia in British English) is the medical term for a pathologic state produced by a lower than normal level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The term hypoglycemia literally means "under-sweet blood" (Gr. hypo-, glykys, haima). Hypoglycemia can produce a variety of symptoms and effects but the principal problems arise from an inadequate supply of glucose as fuel to the brain, resulting in impairment of function (neuroglycopenia). Derangements of function can range from vaguely "feeling bad" to coma and (rarely) permanent brain damage or death. Hypoglycemia can arise from many causes and can occur at any age.
What are symptoms of hypoglycemia, and how low is too low?
The body's biochemical response to hypoglycemia usually starts when sugars are in the high/mid 60's. At this point, the liver releases its stores and the hormones mentioned above start to activate. In many patients, this process occurs without any clinical symptoms.
While there is some degree of variability among people, most will usually develop symptoms suggestive of hypoglycemia when blood glucose levels are lowered to the mid 50's. The first set of symptoms are called neuro-genic (or sympathetic) because they relate to the nervous system's response to hypoglycemia. Patients may experience any of the following;
* nervousness,
* sweating,
* intense hunger,
* trembling,
* weakness,
* palpitations, and
* often have trouble speaking.
In most patients, these symptoms are easily recognizable. The vast majority of patients with diabetes only experience this degree of hypoglycemia if they are on medications or insulin. Patients (diabetic or with insulin resistance) with high circulating levels of insulin who fast or lower their carbohydrate intake drastically should also be cautioned. These patients may also experience modest hypoglycemia.
What are symptoms of hypoglycemia, and how low is too low?
The body's biochemical response to hypoglycemia usually starts when sugars are in the high/mid 60's. At this point, the liver releases its stores and the hormones mentioned above start to activate. In many patients, this process occurs without any clinical symptoms.
While there is some degree of variability among people, most will usually develop symptoms suggestive of hypoglycemia when blood glucose levels are lowered to the mid 50's. The first set of symptoms are called neuro-genic (or sympathetic) because they relate to the nervous system's response to hypoglycemia. Patients may experience any of the following;
* nervousness,
* sweating,
* intense hunger,
* trembling,
* weakness,
* palpitations, and
* often have trouble speaking.
In most patients, these symptoms are easily recognizable. The vast majority of patients with diabetes only experience this degree of hypoglycemia if they are on medications or insulin. Patients (diabetic or with insulin resistance) with high circulating levels of insulin who fast or lower their carbohydrate intake drastically should also be cautioned. These patients may also experience modest hypoglycemia.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Restricted and to avoid
Restricted and to avoid :
* Refined and simple carbohydrates - such as sucrose, glucose or fructose, white rice, white bread, table sugar, sweets, honey, corn-syrup.
* High fat food.
* Alcohol - Higher quantities alcohol can cause health problems like liver damage and increase the risk of heart disease.
* High sodium food - such as salty fish.
* Refined and simple carbohydrates - such as sucrose, glucose or fructose, white rice, white bread, table sugar, sweets, honey, corn-syrup.
* High fat food.
* Alcohol - Higher quantities alcohol can cause health problems like liver damage and increase the risk of heart disease.
* High sodium food - such as salty fish.
Recommended Diabetic Food
Recommended Diabetic Food Intake:
* Low Glycemic Index - doesn't create rapid peaks and troughs in blood glucose levels.
* Complex high-fiber carbohydrates - Scientific evidence show that diet high in dietary fiber is protective against diabetes. Fiber is capable of slowing down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrate and increasing the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, thereby preventing rise s in blood sugar. It is advisable to restrict the intake of refined carbohydrates and avoid high fat foods.
Example : Oats, cereals, legumes, wholegrain products, dried beans, peas, lentils, fruits, vegetables.
* Alpha-lipoic acid - Is a vitamin like antioxidant that enhances the glucose uptake and improves diabetes nerves damage of diabetes patient.
* Omega 3 - Protect against the hardening of arteries. Example : Cold water fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring).
* Omega 6 fatty acid - Protect against the development of diabetes neuropathy. Example : Blackcurrant oil, primrose oil, borage oil).
* Artificial sweeteners - such as aspartame and saccharin.
* Low Glycemic Index - doesn't create rapid peaks and troughs in blood glucose levels.
* Complex high-fiber carbohydrates - Scientific evidence show that diet high in dietary fiber is protective against diabetes. Fiber is capable of slowing down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrate and increasing the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, thereby preventing rise s in blood sugar. It is advisable to restrict the intake of refined carbohydrates and avoid high fat foods.
Example : Oats, cereals, legumes, wholegrain products, dried beans, peas, lentils, fruits, vegetables.
* Alpha-lipoic acid - Is a vitamin like antioxidant that enhances the glucose uptake and improves diabetes nerves damage of diabetes patient.
* Omega 3 - Protect against the hardening of arteries. Example : Cold water fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring).
* Omega 6 fatty acid - Protect against the development of diabetes neuropathy. Example : Blackcurrant oil, primrose oil, borage oil).
* Artificial sweeteners - such as aspartame and saccharin.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Diabetes patients report drug side effects
updated 3:18 p.m. ET Jan. 5, 2006
WASHINGTON - Patients taking two widely used diabetes drugs have reported blurry vision and swelling of the legs and feet, the Food and Drug Administration and manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline said Thursday.
The company said it has received "very rare" reports of new or worsening diabetic macular edema in diabetic patients who have taken Avandia or Avandamet. The swelling of the portion of the retina most important for sight can cause blurry or distorted vision.
The majority of those patients also reported peripheral edema, or swelling of the legs, ankles and feet, the company said in a letter sent last month to doctors. In some cases, stopping treatment or reducing the dose eliminated or improved the condition, it added.
Avandia and Avandamet both contain the drug rosiglitazone. More than 6 million people worldwide have taken either drug.
© 2008 The Associated Press.
WASHINGTON - Patients taking two widely used diabetes drugs have reported blurry vision and swelling of the legs and feet, the Food and Drug Administration and manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline said Thursday.
The company said it has received "very rare" reports of new or worsening diabetic macular edema in diabetic patients who have taken Avandia or Avandamet. The swelling of the portion of the retina most important for sight can cause blurry or distorted vision.
The majority of those patients also reported peripheral edema, or swelling of the legs, ankles and feet, the company said in a letter sent last month to doctors. In some cases, stopping treatment or reducing the dose eliminated or improved the condition, it added.
Avandia and Avandamet both contain the drug rosiglitazone. More than 6 million people worldwide have taken either drug.
© 2008 The Associated Press.
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