Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What are diabetes and what are symptoms of diabetes

What are Type 2 Diabetes

The body does not produce enough insulin for proper function, or the cells in the body do not react to insulin (insulin resistance).

Approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes worldwide are of this type.

Diabetes patient measuring glucose level in bloodMeasuring the glucose level in blood Some people may be able to control their type 2 diabetes symptoms by losing weight, following a healthy diet, doing plenty of exercise, and monitoring their blood glucose levels. However, type 2 diabetes is typically a progressive disease - it gradually gets worse - and the patient will probably end up have to take insulin, usually in tablet form.

Overweight and obese people have a much higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those with a healthy body weight. People with a lot of visceral fat, also known as central obesity, belly fat, or abdominal obesity, are especially at risk. Being overweight/obese causes the body to release chemicals that can destabilize the body's cardiovascular and metabolic systems.

Being overweight, physically inactive and eating the wrong foods all contribute to our risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Drinking just one can of (non-diet) soda per day can raise our risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 22%, researchers from Imperial College London reported in the journal Diabetologia. The scientists believe that the impact of sugary soft drinks on diabetes risk may be a direct one, rather than simply an influence on body weight.

The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is also greater as we get older. Experts are not completely sure why, but say that as we age we tend to put on weight and become less physically active. Those with a close relative who had/had type 2 diabetes, people of Middle Eastern, African, or South Asian descent also have a higher risk of developing the disease.

Men whose testosterone levels are low have been found to have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, say that low testosterone levels are linked to insulin resistance

What are symptoms of diabetes

why diabetes symptoms are developing. Below are the some common type 2 diabetes symptoms:

  1. Frequent urination,
  2. Frequent thirst,
  3. Lack of energy and feeling tired,
  4. Usual too much hungry,
  5. Blurred eye vision,
  6. Dry and itchy skin,
  7. Losing sense or tingling in feet,
  8. Sore heals slowly,
  9. There is unusual sudden weight loss or gain.
If there is, any disturbance to this glucose homeostasis will lead to various bodily symptoms.
  1. Why are diabetics, pee often and in large quantities? - If the blood-sugar level get elevated and your body cells are unable to consume it. Then, these high-sugar level remains, until the kidney flush out this extra sugar in blood as urine (pee). Therefore, people with diabetes urinate frequently and/or in large quantities, urine often contains sugar, and other minerals (such as sodium, chloride, potassium, and bicarbonate).
  2. Why diabetics are having severe frequent Thirst? - The human body needs water to keep enough blood and other fluids. However, frequent urination leads to depletion of liquid called dehydration leads to shortage in saliva causing dry mouth and throat. Dehydration increases the osmotic blood pressure and lower blood volume. This makes the kidney to release of rennin angiotensin this stimulates the hypothalamus to signal thirst. Thus, diabetics have frequent thirst and need to drink often.
  3. Why Lack of Energy & Feeling Tired? - Inadequate insulin secretion or insulin resistance prevents the body to consume the available blood glucose. Additionally, kidney flushes out excess sugar and minerals (such as sodium, chloride, potassium, and bicarbonate) from the body meant for energy that gone unutilized. This lack of glucose absorption, removal of vital minerals and dehydration leads to lack of energy thus diabetic’s feel tired.
  4. Why diabetics are having too much hungry? - In almost 40% of people, the thirst mechanism is so weak that often mistaken for hunger. In addition, when you feel tired, your body signals for energy as hunger. This causes you feel hunger.
  5. Why diabetics are having blurred vision? – Those who unknowing having diabetes are often happy to note that they do not need glasses anymore to see distance objects (mostly people with myopia or Shortsightedness). This is because, increase or decrease in blood-sugar level makes the eye lens and (or) corneal tissue to swell or shrink respectively, results in varying vision. Others may find their vision turns blur; with respect to how high the blood-sugar level is. With proper treatment if the blood-sugar level returns to normal, blurred vision (or sometime clear vision) disappears.
  6. Why diabetics are having dry and itchy skin? - Dehydration and inadequate supply of nutrients to the skin makes it, lose its lust and shine. Furthermore, the dehydrated skin result is dull, flaky, rough, and dry skin. Which makes the skin itchy?
  7. Why diabetics are losing sense or tingling in their feet? - Numbness or tingling sensation among healthy individuals when they sit in a position for extended time. This is due to short supply in blood circulation to these areas. Similarly, diabetics with high blood sugar levels are generally short supply of nutrients to the extremities causing numbness or tingling sensation over the feet.
  8. Why are diabetics, Sores heals slowly? - Healing takes longer due to low nutrient supply. In addition, the immune system does not work efficiently in case of high blood sugar, because of the interactions between various hormones and enzymes. Thus, diabetics sore takes longer to heal.
  9. Why is diabetic loss or gain weight? - Some lose weight because of low consumption of the blood glucose due to inadequate insulin. Some with diabetes gain weight because of frequent hunger, continuous dumping of food items and unnecessary fat storage. Thus, diabetics have sudden weight loss or weight gain.

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