Monday, June 30, 2008

Chromium supplements may help diabetics

Mon, 10 Mar 2008

The usual treatment and management of diabetes is carried out with medication and lifestyle changes in addition to supplements, a popular one being ampalaya (bitter melon). Another supplement to have a good effect on diabetes is chromium but in particular trivalent chromium.

The human body needs chromium, a trace mineral, to help the body grow properly stay healthy and helps burn carbohydrates and fats . Chromium bases research has been ongoing for the past 50 years. Many of the studies showed that chromium supplements helped diabetics and other animals to restore control of blood sugar .

One of the researchers is Taiwanese dairy specialist and endocrinologist Dr Frank Mao Chia Hung of Maxluck Biotechnology Corp. and the Taiwan Chung Hsing University, who worked on the theory that most types of diabetes is a result of a deficiency of GTF in the body.

Khoo Boo Boon, president and CEO of GTF Worldwide Philippines said, "The GTFs most important component is trivalent chromium and Mao found that when its levels are low, human cells are unable to absorb glucose properly, resulting to hyperglycemia or high blood sugar."

Khoo added the supplement is essential as trivalent chromium cannot easily be absorbed by the body. Other researchers have verified Mao’s findings. A clinical trial in four Taiwan hospitals showed that the control group of diabetics who drank GT&F milk powder had lower amounts of fasting plasma glucose so reducing their need for insulin injections and other medicines.

Source :

Recent Testimonial, Mr Kubik, Australian, wrote:
I feel very good. yesterday I had 6.5! However, when I've tried eat some carbs, my BG went to 9.4!

So with strict diet and every day 30 minutes walk plus Diabex plus GT&F, plus Gimnema Silvestri
I can maintain at this stage regular 6.5-7.00

IMHO it's not revolutionary result, but is definitely helping a lot.

Maybe it's not very important but... I've noticed that I need less sleep. Usually I was sleeping 6-7 hours per night, lately
I sleep 5.5 - 6 hour per night and I have a lot of energy!

Date : Jun 30, 2008

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