For your information, not all of us know how important GTF in our body.
GTF is a compound consist of trivalent chromium plus minerals, vitamin, and amino acids. Healthy people obtain trivalent chromium through diet, and chromium is then being converted to GTF to assist in glucose metabolism. However, overwork, pregnancy, obesity, old age, alcoholism, surgery, and disease can cause excessive loss of GTF in the body through secretion of urine and hence causing GTF deficiency.
One of the product which can provide supplement to boost up GTF in our body is GTF
Chromium plus Lactoferrin.
This product is produced through intensive biotechnology research in Taiwan.
Here with i attach some of the verify testimonial that will tell you by true experience by using GTF Chromium
Some of them are:
Mr Hendry Yap
"To my amazement, 20 days after consuming this product, the gangrene-
like condition and scaring on my skin started to improve. 3 months
later, my blood glucose dropped from 13 mmol/L to 7 or 8 mmol/L. 6
months later, my blood glucose dipped to 5.1mmol/L. Besides these, my
overall health conditions also had improved significantly."
Mrs Ho Lai Foong
"After consuming this GT&F Milk Powder for more than 3 months, my
blood glucose level dropped from 19 mmol/L to 6 mmol/Lnow. My blood
glucose level had significantly improved and I am very confident of
this GT&F Milk Powder."
Mrs. Rozita (Balakong, Malaysia)
"After several month consuming this product, doctor was told me that my
internal organ including kidney are improve dramatically and my
glucose drop to 8.5mmol/L average and keep in improvement"
This product has been recognized as HALAL Product through the following body:
NO : 951118
Date of Registration : Nov 18, 2006
Date of Expiration : Nov 17, 2009
Address : 62, Hsin Sheng, South Rad Sec 2, Taipei, Taiwan. ROC
Tel : 886-2-2321-9445 Fax : 886-2-2393-5283
Product : GT&F Milk Powder (M-Vital GT&F)
Producer : Maxluck BioTechnology Corp
Signature : Salahudin Ma Choa Yen, Chairman Taipei Grand Mosque
For whom facing diabetes problem or your relatives/friends/ are diabetics, so read this article and understand it.
This GTF agent can heal and recover our body then to control high content sugar in our body. Some potentially can recover our organ including unstable kidney and pancreas to produce insulin to our body and back to normal progressively.
Please visit my website to know better about GTF
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