Clinical research confirmed that GTF can combine with insulin to improve the various symptoms of diabetes. It is an essential factor to maintain the normal glucose metabolism in the body. The onset of diabetes is directly related to the deficiency of trivalent chromium. Scientist carrying out research in this area for more than ten years has discovered that GTF deficiency in the body might lead to diabetes. Supplementing GTF and various nutrients beneficial to diabetes can improve insulin functionality, promote blood sugar metabolism in the patients and thus considered as complementary treatment of diabetes.
GT&F® Milk Powder is made by blending GT&F® with New Zealand best grade milk powder to mimic the bioactivity of colostrums GTF. Since GT&F® is non-toxic, does not produce side effects, contains no drugs, hormones, or toxins, it is safe to take. GT&F® is able to effectively promote functioning of insulin, and long-term use provides body with sufficient GTF to maintain homeostasis of blood sugar and also will prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and its complications.
• Before Consuming The Product
In year 1990, I was diagnosed with diabetes. Unfortunately no one ever told me that a diabetic has to go for eye checking once every 2 or 3 years. 13 years later, I had developed keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and I experienced double vision. Optometrist told me that the blood vessels of my eyes had ruptured and it could only be cured with expensive laser surgery. I even lost the ability to drive.
My friend introduced me to GTF Worldwide’s Managing Director, Mr. Lim, hoping that his GT&F Milk Powder could help my case.
• After Consuming The Product
To my amazement, 20 days after consuming this product, the gangrene-like condition and scaring on my skin started to improve. 3 months later, my blood glucose dropped from 13 mmol/L to 7 or 8 mmol/L. 6 months later, my blood glucose dipped to 5.1mmol/L. Besides these, my overall health conditions also had improved significantly. For the past 20 years, I have’nt seen such an efficacious product that could really control, regulate and cure my sickness.
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